  • [针道处理] 肺活检针道处理 日期:2020-03-04 19:00:47 点击:96 好评:0

    CT-guided Lung Biopsy Technique : Track Embolization Pre-intervention Acquisition Guide Needle Placement / Biopsy Mixing of the hemostat gelatin powder with 6 cc normal saline Back-loading of mixture into 1 cc syringe At the conclusion of...

  • [经皮肺活检] 经皮肺活检 日期:2020-03-04 18:27:48 点击:119 好评:0

    Lung Cancer : Diagnostic Techniques Limitations Te chnique Sen si ti v ity (SN) Speci f icity (SP) False P o si ti v e (FP) False Nega t i v e (FN) LimitingFactor Complication(s ) Sputum Cytology 66% 99% 8% 10% Rigorous samplingneeded Vari...

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