

时间:2020-03-03 21:33来源:未知 作者:admin
Gold Standard: Surgical Resection Surgery depends on: Stage Criteria Clinical conditions Abbas G, et al.Radiofrequency and microwave ablation of lung tumors. J Surg Oncol 2009; 100:645-50. Gold Standard: Surgical Resection Since the first p
Gold Standard: Surgical Resection

Standard of care for early stage NSCLC (80 % of  primary lung cancers)

Surgery depends on:
  • Stage Criteria
  • Clinical conditions
  1. Since the first pulmonary resections in the early 20th  century, pneumonectomy and lobectomy were considered  the standard operations for lung cancer. 自20世纪初第一次肺切除术以来,肺切除术和肺叶切除术被认为是肺癌的标准手术
  2. Sublobar resection emerged as attractive option – three-fold local recurrence (Lung Cancer Study Group) 亚叶切除成了有吸引力的选择——三重局部复发(肺癌研究组)
  3. Sublobar resections (wedge resection or segmentectomy): for  patients at increased risk for morbidity and mortality after  lobectomy that can still tolerate a smaller pulmonary  resection 亚叶切除术(楔形切除术或段切除术):对于肺叶切除术后发生并发症率和死亡率增加的情况、仍能耐受较小肺切除术的患者
  4. Best chance of cure in early stage disease 早期疾病治愈几率最大
  5. Benefitial in limited pulmonary metastases 局限性肺转移的有益处

Churchill ED et al. J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surgery 1950;20:349-65. 
Ginsberg RJ, et al. Ann Thorac Surg 1995;60(3):613-22.  
Warren WH. J Thorarc Cardiovsc Surg 1994;107(4):1087-1093.  
Landreneau RJ. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1997; 113(4):691-8.  
Abbas G, et al. J Surg Oncol 2009; 100:645-50.

Stage I and II 

Surgical Indications for NSCLC: Stages I and II

Golstraw P, et al. J Thorac Oncol 2007;2:706-14. 
Crinò L, et al. Annals of Oncology 2010; 21(S5):103-15.

  • Great benefit from surgical resection: around 70% of survival in 5 years,  BUT:
                > 15% of patients: tumors deemed surgically unresectable(尽管肿瘤分期低,但位置不适合手术?)
                > 30% of patients: >75 years of age or medical inoperability(医学原因不能手术-非解剖因素?)

Casal RF, et al. Clin Chest Med 2010;31:150-63.
Wolf FJ, et al. Medicine&Health 2009;92(12):407-11.

Most frequent comorbidities reported in  Literature responsable of Inoperability

- Poor lung function
- Advanced age
- Comorbilities including:

  • Liver cirrhosis
  • CRF (Chronic Renal Failure)
  • Hemodynamic disorders
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Aortic Aneurysm
  • CCF (Cardiac Congestive Failure)
  • Low “perfomance status”: Zubrod, ECOG, Charlson
  • Stable Angina
  • Valvular disease
  • Cardiac risk
Impact of comorbidities  on surgery

5-year overall survival: 60-80 % for stage I and 40-  50 % for stage II NSCLC

Surgical Indications for Primary Lung Tumors
         Preoperative evaluation of lung resection candidate

  • Should not be denied surgery in the basis of age alone;
  • FEV1 >2L or > 80% predicted normal are suitable for pneumonectomy and FEV1 >  1.5L are suitable for lobectomy without further evaluation unless there is evidence  of interstitial lung disesase or under dyspnea on exertion;
  • Individuals with very poor lung function may be considered for combined lung  volume reduction surgery and lung cancer resection if the emphysema is  heterogeneous and envolves primarily the lobe to be resected.
Poonyagariyagorn H, et al. Lung cancer: preoperative pulmonary evaluation of the lung resection candidate.Semin Resp Crit Care Med 2008; 29(3):271-84.

Surgical Indications for Pulmonary Metastases

  • The patient must be capable of tolerating the surgical procedure.
  • The patient’s pulmonary function tests are supportive of the patient’s ability  to tolerate the loss of lung capacity resulting from the procedure;
  • The primary tumor has been controlled or is controllable, possibily by  surgical means;
  • Any extrapulmonary disease is controlled or controllable, possibily by surgical means.
In the vast majority of cases not indicated for SCLC  (since tumor spread at the time of diagnosis)
Patients with significant comorbidities (COPD, ...),  are poor surgical candidates (cave: perioperative  morbidity and mortality)

Conventional Treatment for NSCLC

Stage III

Golstraw P,  et al. J Thorac Oncol 2007;2:706-14.
Crinò L, et al. Annals of Oncology 2010; 21(S5):103-15.
Conventional Treatment for NSCLC
Stage IV (palliation):

And what to do when surgery is not  possible?



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