  • [血管保护技术] 肺癌冷冻消融 日期:2020-03-05 13:55:28 点击:158 好评:0

    肺癌是癌症死亡的主要原因(1)。 手术切除一直是治疗少数诊断为原发性肺癌和选定的肺转移性疾病患者的主要手段。 (2,3)。 然而,并非所有早期NSCLC和肺转移酶患者都是手术切除的适应症,很多患者由于肺功能差或肿瘤多灶性分布而放弃手术。 目前,热消融是...

  • [针道处理] 肺活检针道处理 日期:2020-03-04 19:00:47 点击:96 好评:0

    CT-guided Lung Biopsy Technique : Track Embolization Pre-intervention Acquisition Guide Needle Placement / Biopsy Mixing of the hemostat gelatin powder with 6 cc normal saline Back-loading of mixture into 1 cc syringe At the conclusion of...

  • [经皮肺活检] 经皮肺活检 日期:2020-03-04 18:27:48 点击:119 好评:0

    Lung Cancer : Diagnostic Techniques Limitations Te chnique Sen si ti v ity (SN) Speci f icity (SP) False P o si ti v e (FP) False Nega t i v e (FN) LimitingFactor Complication(s ) Sputum Cytology 66% 99% 8% 10% Rigorous samplingneeded Vari...

  • [微波治疗适应症] 肺癌:微波治疗的适应症 日期:2020-03-04 07:37:25 点击:103 好评:0

    Percutaneous ablation of lung tumors is a minimally invasive therapy for patients with primary or metastatic cancer Not surgical candidates Standard therapy fails...

  • [知情同意书] 肺癌微波消融:知情同意书 日期:2020-03-03 23:55:30 点击:154 好评:0

    Prior to the procedure, the potential side effects are explained to the patient including possible post-ablation syndrome, in which an inflammatory response may result in fever, malaise, and anorexia which may persist for several days (29)....

  • [术前准备] 肺癌微波消融:术前准备 日期:2020-03-03 23:33:59 点击:65 好评:0

    1. 门诊准备 2. 入院准备 - entails(必需) taking a history bleeding diathesis anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents Medical comorbidities screened for the presence of cardiac devices,because the energy from RFA may potentially interfere...

  • [回顾性研究] 肺癌:微波治疗回顾性研究 日期:2020-03-03 22:53:15 点击:198 好评:0

    研究的设计和分析 Primary endpoints Duration of patient follow-up (date of ablation to last known chest CT or PET/CT) Primary and secondary technical success rate Time to first recurrence/local control rate All-cause and cancer specific mort...

  • [肺癌射频消融历史] 肺癌射频消融的历史 日期:2020-03-03 22:24:40 点击:164 好评:0

    Stage I NSCLC Therapy before RFA and SBRT(立体定向放疗) RFA Stage I NSCLC...

  • [肺癌消融适应症] 肺癌热消融适应症 日期:2020-03-03 21:12:25 点击:155 好评:0

    Patient Selection Criteria Clinical indications Lung Cancer Patient Characteristics High Risk Limited Recurrence Cyto-reduction Local Control Refractory Patient Refusal Patient Characteristics ACOSOG z4033 High Risk Limited Recurrence Cyto...

  • [Bottom Line] 肺癌消融:bottom line 日期:2020-03-03 19:01:23 点击:199 好评:0

    RFA of Medically Inoperable Lung Cancer: is Less More? 简单的东西往往带给人们的是更多的享受 SBRT provides better local control over 3-5 sessions c/w single RFA session SBRT still requires needle biopsy and sometimes fiducialmarkers to be pl...