  • [微波消融技术上考虑] MWA vs RFA 日期:2020-03-02 22:54:39 点击:139 好评:0

    62% (33/53) of tumors 3 cm succes sfully treated in one session - Compares favorably with RFA literature (23-40% success rate in tumors over 3 cm) - Tumors over 4 cm typically excluded in RFA literature (our study had 36 tumors 4 cm) Data...

  • [随访] 肺癌:微波治疗后随访 日期:2020-03-02 22:44:19 点击:56 好评:0

    Nonenhanced and contrast-enhanced chest CT routine at 1-, 3-, and 6-months - 3- and 6-month studies occasionally replaced with FDG PET/CT 1-month follow up at Tumor Ablation Clinic - Discuss imaging results/assess and treat delayed complic...

  • [并发症] 肺癌微波消融:并发症 日期:2020-03-02 22:39:37 点击:192 好评:0

    None Mild Moderate Severe Life- Th r eaten i ng Death Pneumothorax 73 (68%) 14 (13%) 16 (15%) 4 (4%) 0 1(1%) Hospital Admission 78 (72%) 14 (13%) 9 (8%) 6 (6%) 1(1%) 2 (2%) BPF 105 (97%) 0 0 1(1%) 1(1%) 1(1%) Pain 85 (78%) 19 (18%) 3 (3%)...

  • [技术成功率/失败率] 肺癌微波消融:技术成功 日期:2020-03-02 21:32:34 点击:115 好评:0

    Primary technical success Complete lack of enhancement in the ablation zone at 1 month follow up Thin (5 mm), symmetric rim of enhancement considered benign Nodular enhancement ( 15 HU) at the ablation site considered residual tumor and te...

  • [功率选择] 微波功率的选择 日期:2020-03-02 21:23:04 点击:159 好评:0

    Generator selection, power, and number of applicators determined by tumor size and location...

  • [术后注意和护理] 肺癌微波消融术后注意事项和处理 日期:2020-03-02 20:51:12 点击:151 好评:-2

    Transfer to VIR recovery 2 hour post-procedure chest radiography No pneumothorax (PTX) or evidence of complication on physical exam discharge home Moderate to large PTX aspiration with 5 Fr catheter If PTX remained 8 Fr pigtail pleural cat...

  • [微波消融技术上考虑] 肺癌:微波消融技术 日期:2020-03-02 18:41:47 点击:61 好评:0

    CT /CT fluoroscopic guidance 6 MWA systems utilized Conscious sedation (midazolam and fentanyl) and local anesthesia (buffered lidocaine) routinely used No patients required general anesthesia Continues EKG and pulse oximetry, blood pressu...

  • [肺癌微波消融禁忌症] 肺癌微波消融禁忌症 日期:2020-03-02 18:36:34 点击:105 好评:0

    Exclusion Criteria Imaging or histologic evidence of nodal disease Tumors abutting (毗连)mediastinal structures, large hilar vessels, or mainstem bronchi(支气管主干) INR greater than 1.8...

  • [微波治疗原理] 微波治疗原理 日期:2020-03-02 18:18:23 点击:72 好评:0

    Microwave Ablation (MWA) Generates heat using oscillating electromagnetic wave of 300 MHz to 300 GHz Advantages Greater ablative temperatures and shorter treatment times No need for patient grounding pads(接地的垫) Improved heating radiu...

  • [内科治疗] 肺癌内科治疗 日期:2020-03-02 17:30:54 点击:113 好评:0

    肺癌的治疗策略(treatment strategies) Early stage primary lung cancer/mets - Surgical resection - but many medically ineligible for surgery - recurrence after metastatectomy common - Radiotherapy - Image-guided thermal ablation early stag...