适应症 外科术前 姑息治疗 ERCP vs PTCD vs 联合治疗 优缺点 姑息治疗...
- surgery ( 20% patients)可以做手术 - 术前胆道引流 pre-operative drainage?? - 术前引流ERCP,PTBD和联合治疗的比较,ERCP vs PTBD vs combination?? - 外科的适应症 ndications?? - 优缺点 merits vs drawbacks ?? - palliation - 黄疸 - 疼痛 - 胃肠道...
Cholestasis / Jaundice Diagnosis: Ultrasound CT scan MRI EUS...
Cholestasis / Jaundice Diagnosis: Ultrasound CT scan MRI EUS...
Transhepatic track embolisation Haemostasis (venous) Bile leak Embolisation Options Coils Glue Gelfoam 术后肩膀痛...
Percutaneous trans-hepatic biliary drainage is used to treat a variety of benign and malignant biliary disease The technique is safe and effective However, in relatively low incidence, vascular and extra-vascular complications are associat...